Audi Q8 Launch

Agency: Bartle Bogle Hegarty

Client: Audi UK

Focus: User Interface Design

The arrival of the new Audi Q8 is announced in a spectacular major campaign – Big Entrance. To celebrate the launch of the new Audi Q8, I was fortunate to work alongside a couple of talented creatives and marketing experts to introduces the all-new model to the UK market  across the responsive website.

The Audi business is in the middle of significant shifts for it’s online presence. I had the pleasure to work on product development for a key initiative in challenging the way they may do business with their customers. Working from Audi’s customer research and closely with UX/Creative leads to define a potential a solution with best in class customer experience and superlative visual design at it’s heart.

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Creative Director: Ross Mawdsley

Interaction Design: Fidelis Akoh, Pedro Venetucci

Development: IBM

Year: 2018
